Tuesday 22 February 2011

Some Recent Poems


With a scrub brush, scrub and scrub until your edges are raw.
Have septic powder on hand to stop the bleeding.
Infected wounds must be opened and the edges scraped

DON'T GET DIRTY it will be painful and you will bleed.
I have to scrub the hell out of my face and my little armpits until they are raw.
Vigorously scrub the abrasion until no dirt remains visible in the wound except raw meat.

There is no way I could tolerate anything staying dirty.
Sometimes I use steel wool pads to clean my back
Another option to try is to slice a raw potato in half

I'm itching and itching and itching and itching and
I have red bumps all over my body and
I'm bleeding and it is all because your dirty hands touched the dirty soap bottle

what am I supposed to do when YOU MADE THE SOAP DIRTY

People thought I was muslim because I wrapped my head up in this scarf so my hair wouldn't touch the dirty air when I went outside.


Glee fans take oxycodone
Gubaidulina fights the orcs.
Going for the omniscient.
Giving fetishes to oranges.
Go for the obstetrician.
Great fucks take obstacles.
Good friends tattle, obviously.
Grandpa fucks toilets obliviously.
Glad for toy ocarinas
Glenn farts to oblivion
Go fantasize tactfully, Oscar.
Give formula to Obadiah
Goats fabulously tease oncologists.
Gabriel fancies tutus obsessively
Gain fair trade obsoletely
Gala faries touch oboes
Galvanoscopies feel too ouchie.
Gamblers face terrible odds.
Games fatigue the operator
Geneticists fabricate tampons oddly

Inspired by accidentally spelling the acronym GTFO (Get the fuck out) GFTO.

Backwards Cowgirl Lortab

Scorpio's favorite sex position is backwards cowgirl.
No one can restrict me. Herbal party pills buying legal highs from china
getting high at home without weed. weed sucks. weed blows.
I will sell you my lortab for two dollars a pill.

You don't even know anything. go talk about something you do know like the proper way to douche.
Congratulations. you have codone without apap. I have never heard of such a thing in my life.
sooooo... lorazepam wont make you trip? fuck tolerance.

One time I snorted a tea bag.  6/10.

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